Europe and ID cards. But not how you expect.

Scooch. UK entry for Eurovision 2007. Not good by any stretch of the imagination. You know when it's bad, when even The Sun, that bastion of British journalism, and purveyor of ridiculously good reviews for even thr poorest tripe has said the group is 'outstandingly bad.'

I fear another nul-point this year, or rather, I don't really care. The songs are always terrible, Wogan is always revoltingly pleased with himself for remarking on politicaly motivated scoring in a terribly clever, 'told you so' tone, and really, it's a little bit too camp, even for my normally highly liberalised tastes. Although if I'm honest with myself the other reaosns were just trying to justify what is essentialy a hatred for Terry. Well, congrats on being so very clever, but on the other hand, I've listened to your programme, and you are hardly Peel are you, so I suppose it's true that things tend to even themselves out.

In other news, Jack Straw has hinted that under Gordon Brown (for whom he is of course campaign manager) the ID cards initiatives going ahead could be under review. This is a mighty turnaround from Blair who seemed adamant that we would have them, and, if I'm honest, was a major motivation in how I voted at the locals. Afterall, who wants to threaten civil liberties? Apart from the contented majority who care not a jot about it and have been convinced in their ignorance that it's worth it for the terrorism controls they might afford...Who needs enemies when you have citizens like these?! Still, a very poisitive, if tentative statement from Brown's camp, and one which I'm incredibly happy to see. Let's hope this is more than an appeasement and might be the precursor to a genuine reconsideration of ID cards.


posted by danny @ 09:25,


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