
A new post has been a long time coming. But never fear, exams are over on Friday, and by then I fear you will have to deal with a regular output of slurry. I bought a new memory stick the other day which was mildly exciting. It's a mighty 2GB with a retractable stick bit. And it was mine for a mere tenner. Excellent. As you can doubtless tell I have no real news. I do however plan to go to the beach after exams. Possibly on my own, hopefully with someone else. There will be colourful windbreakers, bracing smiles against a c hilly wind, and of course, tea in a flask and cucumber sandwhiches. I am also thinking about wearing a tie and jacket. When I do, there will be lots of wonderful pictures of the happy event. Until that time though, I have decided to infill with a bit of self-effacing web-comic action.

Today's work of art comes from the ever savvy Toothpaste for Dinner. I suggest you go over there right now and cover your respective blog(s) with hastily drawn wonderment.

Also, I went to see Pirates of the Carribean 3 last night. It was a bit rubbish to be honest. There was far too much plot in the film for a single movie, albeit a soul-crushingly long one. But Kiera Knightly looked tremendous. Mind, I didn't have to see her ribs at any point, which was a bonus.

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posted by danny @ 02:31,


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